Thursday, October 4, 2012

You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

How beautiful a day can be
When kindness touches it!
~George Elliston

I have been so touched by the kindness that so many people have shown me over the past couple of months as things have progressively presented me with a challenge one day after another.  I have people that I’ve never even met face-to-face tell me to let them know if I need anything.  I have friends drive over an hour to come pick me up to spend time with me, knowing all the while that they will have to drive over an hour to take me back home.  I have phone calls from people asking me how I’m doing.  People offer to come by and help me with whatever I need, even if that just means a smiling face and a milkshake.  Friends who say they will come by next week with drinks and watch TV with me since I still won’t be able to drive.

 The morning of my surgery, I received three bright and early texts from my brother and two other friends wishing me good luck, and they were the same people texting me as soon as it was over asking how it went.  While these things may seem like small gestures, no one had to do any of this.  None of them would benefit from their kindness towards me.  I’ve also received so many words of encouragement, advice, and prayers from friends on facebook over these past couple of months, and it is nice to know that people care. 

People often talk about how others come out of the proverbial “woodwork” when they need something, which is true, and something I’ve experienced as well, but lately it seems like I have been blessed with people coming out of the “woodwork” to share their kindness.  I have been overwhelmed by the amount of people who have shared their small acts of kindness with me.   I think that people who emerge from the “woodwork” to help when times are tough are true friends and people you can count on.   If it were not for these people in my life, I don’t know if I could have managed to get through all of this on my own.  All of the small, kind sentiments add up to where I know I have so many great people in my life.  During these times it is also easy to figure out the “other” type of people who crawl out of the “woodwork”.  I’m sure we have all encountered this type – ones who leave you high and dry when things get too hard or difficult, ones who want you healed up and better because they need you for their own benefit, and ones who just cut you off completely because you can no longer offer them the things that they need or want.  Since about August, I’ve noticed some people who fall into this category, and to them I say, “good riddance!”  I have so many caring wonderful people in my life, that I don’t need to keep “toxic” people around.  I cannot help but think of Tracy Lawrence’s song where he sings:

You find out who your friends are
Somebody's gonna drop everything
Run out and crank up their car
Hit the gas, get there fast
Never stop to think 'what's in it for me?' or 'it's way too far'
They just show on up with their big old heart
You find out who your friends are                  

These words in the song are so true.  I have so many people that do things like this for me every day, and I will not hesitate to repay the kindness when the opportunity presents itself.  You are all so great and wonderful.  Thank you for bringing a smile to my face day after day, especially on the days that I really need it.  Never underestimate your small acts of kindness – although very small, it might be all that someone needs.  

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