Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why I'm Finally Breaking Down and Writing a Blog

So, let's cut to the chase!  I just graduated this past May with a degree in English Secondary Education.  My first thoughts on this - "HOLY CRAP I ACTUALLY REALLY DID IT!!"  For a period in my education, I was pretty doubtful that I ever would graduate, but five years and the price of a house later, I am a proud owner of a Bachelors degree. So go me!  I thought that life after this point would be a piece of cake. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but I thought that two months later I would have a lot more direction/purpose in my life.  But, I don't. 

I appreciate all of the well-wishers and concerned people in my life, but only those who genuinely care.  If I had a dollar for every time I've been asked if I've, "gotten a job yet," I wouldn't freaking need one!  Back off me yo! Well, that's what I would like to respond, but obviously that's not very polite, and quite frankly, the only reason it does bother me is because NO, NO I DO NOT have a job yet.....For months before graduating, I decided that North Carolina is the place for me.  Anywhere south and close to a beach is right up my alley, and since I have a cousin who teaches there I figured, "Hey! I'll go there!"  

So things started falling into place.  I applied to a bunch of positions after weeks upon weeks of writing and revising resumes, cover letters, portfolios, and doing all of the tedious work that it all requires.  I applied to about 20 jobs in a particular area, and I figured I would certainly get one based on the odds that I was looking at.  In that small area, there were 20 jobs; in the surrounding area where I'm at now, there were about a total of 3.  I'm certainly no mathematician by any means, but I figured the odds were in my favor in NC.  So, okay, my phone wasn't ringing off the hook with schools clamoring for my amazing teaching skills...if I can even call them that yet?  However, I did have one school call me for an interview, which happened to fall during the week that I did not have to babysit this summer.  Fate, right?! At this point I called around to other schools trying to talk to someone...anyone... to try and make the most out of my trip. ( I'm beginning to believe that school principals are simply fictional and do not exist, or at the very least, do not  speak, acknowledge, or use the telephone in any way what.so.ever. ) Much to my disappointment, but not for lack of effort, I ended up with just the one interview, but hey, better than none!  The interview was short, but went very well.  The principal I interviewed with was very friendly and seemed genuinely interested in me, but that's about where the story ends.  I've called to follow up several times, and each time they are still, "interviewing applicants".  I want to say, "Why? You already interviewed me! GIVE ME the job!"

So I'm kind of at a standstill, and starting to prepare my backup plan, which leads me to the purpose of this blog.  With all of the uncertainties in my life right now I:

a) have far too many thoughts in my head, and I'm sure people on fb are tired of them
b) have come to accept the many good and bad realities of life
c) have become a more spiritual/religious person than I probably have ever been leading up to this point in my life
d) have found out who true, good friends are
e) have had a lot of time to reflect on my life, which I think, and hope, is making me a better person

Because of these things, I will now voice the many strange, interesting, sometimes boring, and maybe every now and then insightful things here.  If you're up for the ride, I hope you tag along for this journey!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kara, I loved reading it, was a nice change after a poorly written Russian mystery I've trying to digest for the past few days:) So you know, I'm not tired of your thoughts on fb, and looking forward to seeing more.
    BTW, got a job yet? :)
    (you can stop by the counter for your buck anytime:)
    Love you! And good luck.
    Something tells me that someday I'll be standing in line for your book signing.
