Monday, December 31, 2012

My Hopes For 2013

This past year has been crazy from the very beginning, and I’ve spent much time reflecting and looking back over it.  Through the many ups and downs I experienced, I am ending this year a much stronger person than I started it out as.  With this being said, I’m ready to close this chapter of my life, soak up the good memories from it, learn from the bad ones, and continue to grow and move forward as I enter into this next year.  I have a lot of faith and hope in this next year as it will be full of drastic changes.  In less than a week, I will be packing up all of my things, driving to North Carolina, moving in with a girl I don’t know, and begin teaching classes of my own.  I anticipate and look forward to the many changes that this will bring, and these are some of my new hopes for this coming year:

      I hope to be successful, finally not having my parents to help me out in any way.

I look forward to making new friendships and keeping in contact with the amazing ones I already have.

I want to become even healthier – eating less preservatives, getting back to working out regularly, beginning to run again, and living an overall healthier lifestyle.

I hope to maybe fall in love, and if not, learn from more failed dating experiences :)

I will become a more independent woman, as I won’t have anyone to help me figure out what’s wrong with my car or any of those other tasks I go running to my dad, brother, or other guys for.

I plan on learning how to better manage my money.

I want to strike a balance between the Kara that used to go out and party a lot and the Kara that stays at home by herself more often than not – finding a happy medium.

I hope to read more books and continue doing all of the learning that I can.

I aspire to be the best teacher that I can be.

I want to learn how to let go of hate quicker, love more, and judge less.

This may not sound like much, but I’m sure that striving to make these things happen will consume most of my year.  I pray for happiness and success, not only for me, but also for my friends and family.  I know I will look back on 201 2 fondly some years in the future, but I look forward to all of the changes that will be happening in 2013 as well!